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Development of "Aeroex" company website
http://aeroex.com.ua Small website, design and logo development for "Aeroex" company. Catalogue of reagents and equipment for spraying, road markings and road barriers.   Terms of Reference: Multilanguage (russian, english); Banner Slider on the front page; Latest news and e …
auqduct.com.ua Website development
http://aqueduct.com.ua Website, design and logo development for Aqueduct Online store of biker accessories.   Terms of Reference: Design and logo development; Multilanguage (russian, english); Banner Slider on the front page; Latest news and events on the front page and a  …
Based on 1 reviews.
arendakvartir.biz.ua Flats rent catalog development
http://arendakvartir.biz.ua Website, design and logo development for Arendakvartir   Terms of Reference: Design and logo development; Banner Slider on the front page; Latest news and events on the front page and a full list on a separate page; Catalogue of goods and service …
autorost.com.ua Autoprats Website development
http://autorost.com.ua Website, design and logo development for Autorost   Terms of Reference: Design and logo development; Banner Slider on the front page; Latest news and events on the front page and a full list on a separate page; Catalogue of goods and services.
HaDeSey TM Website development
http://sumka.kh.ua Development of an online store and design for Kharkov manufacturer of bags TM HaDeSey.   Terms of Reference: Banner Slider on the front page; Latest news and events on the front page and a full list on a separate page; Calculation of the vol …
Based on 1 reviews.
iPhone is a revolutionary new mobile phone that allows you to make a call by simply tapping a name or number in your address book, a favorites list, or a call log. It also automatically syncs all your contacts from a PC, Mac, or Internet service. And it lets you select and listen to voicemail mes …
kids-ok.com.ua Website development
http://kids-ok.com.ua Website, design and logo development. e-commerce with children products.   Terms of Reference: Design and logo development; Banner Slider on the front page; Latest news and events on the front page and a full list on a separate page; Catalogue of goods …
Marine Ukraine
http://marine-ukraine.com.ua Разработка каталога для Украинского представительства производителя одежды и аксессуаров для яхтинга и водных видов спорта TM Magic Marine.   Техническое задание: Главная страница со слайдером; Блоченая верстка; Новости и акции на  …
Sailing association Melges24 website
http://melges24.com.ua Small website development for sailing association Melges24.   Terms of Reference: Multilanguage (russian, english); Banner Slider on the front page; Latest news and events on the front page and a full list on a separate page; Catalog …
Online Movies catalogue development
http://joker-hdonline.ru Website, design and logo development for Biker-Ring.ru. Online store of biker accessories.   Terms of Reference: Design development; Banner Slider on the front page; Latest news and events on the front page and a full list on a separate page; Catal …
SC "Tex-As"
https://tex-as.com.ua Website, design and logo development for SC Tex-As   Terms of Reference: Design and logo development; Banner Slider on the front page; Latest news and events on the front page and a full list on a separate page; Catalogue of goods and services.
Development of Toyota Center Kharkov "Artlex" website
http://lexus.kh.ua Site development Kharkov Lexus dealer in corporate style.   Terms of Reference: Multilanguage (russian, ukrainian); Banner Slider on the front page; Latest news and events on the front page and a full list on a separate page; Catalogue …
Development of Toyota Center Kharkov "Autoart" website
http://toyota.kh.ua Site development Kharkov Toyota dealer in corporate style.   Terms of Reference: Banner Slider on the front page; Latest news and events on the front page and a full list on a separate page; Catalogue of selling cars with flash-presentation …
zoomag.in.ua Website development
http://zoomag.in.ua Website, design and logo development for zoomag.in.ua   Terms of Reference: Design and logo development; Banner Slider on the front page; Latest news and events on the front page and a full list on a separate page; Catalogue of goods and services.
donetsk site development online movies small wesite corporate identity flats rent logo multilanguage website development kids news filter by attributes loan calculator kharkov catalogue toyota artlex design small website multilanguage